- Help the yellow backhoe loader to put the toxic waster with the other toxic wastes;
- ← ↑ ↓ →  to chose a truck;
- ⎵ to select it then  ← ↑ ↓ → again to move it;
- trucks will only move forward or backward

(it's a adaptation on the board game "Rush Hour")

 ☢️ the truck selection algorithme is very simple: It mights not pick what you expect ☢️

Created in approx. 4h using minigdx, my own 3D game framework: https://minigdx.github.io/minigdx-showcase/

Source available: https://github.com/dwursteisen/trijam-118/blob/main/src/commonMain/kotlin/your/game/MyGame.kt

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